Format: DVD | Age Rating: BBFC-PG
Stock status: Out Of Stock
Price: £7.99
Stock AlertA British noir masterpiece starring Eric Portman and Ann Todd in the post war story of a hangman, Eddie Tribe, and the love of his life, Frankie.
Eddie Tribe (Eric Portman) is an unassuming, shy bachelor, who runs a barbers' shop in London with the help of his trusted confidant Ron (Bill Owen). Eddie, however, has a dark secret. As well as the barbers' shop, Eddie also works as a hangman and travels around the country executing his victims. One day Eddie, has some good news, his estranged father has passed away and he inherits his barge business on the River Thames.
Becoming a man of means gives Eddie more self-confidence and after a short courtship, he marries beautiful young Frankie (Ann Todd). Despite married bliss, Eddie cannot bring himself to reveal his dark secret to Frankie and when he hires Olaf (Maxwell Reed) a Danish seaman to help him on the barges, his life begins a tragic downward spiral.....