Venom on Blu-ray
Format: Blu-ray | Age Rating: BBFC-15
Stock status: Out Of Stock
Price: £4.99
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The evolution story of Marvel's most enigmatic , complex and badass character - Venom! Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) is a broken man after he loses everything including his job and fiancée. Just when his life is at its lowest, he becomes host to an alien symbiote which results in extraordinary superpowers - transforming him into Venom. Will these powers be enough for this new lethal protector to defeat great evil forces, especially against the far stronger and more weaponised symbiote rival, Riot? Blu-ray Disc Exclusives Extended Post Credit Scene and Deleted ScenesPLUS over an hour of extras includingVenom Mode: Trivia TrackThe Lethal Protector in ActionThe Anti-HeroVenom VisionDesigning VenomSymbiote Secrets*AND MORE Also includes Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse Sneak PeekEminem Music Video